Your home is certainly a very big investment. When people buy their residence for the first time, they normally lack both experience and foresight. Even if you have enough funds on hand, your needs remain limited, and you often choose to opt for smaller properties. Nevertheless, as years pass by, kids and in-laws come in, making you realize the need of extra space in your house. Perhaps you need an extra bedroom, guest room or bathroom, but that doesn't mean that you've to shift base to a bigger house. For a lot of people, a property move is the ideal solution for residential space issues, but present a lot of downsides to it as well. Besides all the legal hassles of selling your primary house and buying a new one, there are other botherations of being exposed to a totally new environment. However, there is a better alternative to home move - loft conversions and property extensions. Besides providing you with the much-needed space, loft conversions and home extensions give you the perfect opportunity to make your house more attractive and valuable. What's more, it allows you to experiment with various looks and designs that you've always dreamt of. That way, you'll be able to make your house more unique and creative - an extended part of your personality. Following are a few important things to consider when deciding to go for loft conversions and house extensions. Remember, it's a massive investment, and you can't rush into a decision. Keep your requirements in mind and take a decision that suits your budget. Additional rooms With distension projects, you can get a couple of extra rooms in your home, which could be used for several purposes. For example, if you've always dreamt of a gymnasium or study room, this is the best opportunity to do your dream. The way you want to use the newly constructed rooms completely depends on your personal choice. For those who need a lot of carpentry work, they may consider having a space for carpentry. Again, if you have a craze for sea life, you may consider opting for a beautiful aquarium type room. Where can you execute the extension project? If you're adding rooms or extending your property, there are lots of different ways to do them. Your garden is not the only place where you can take away the extension work; you may also consider extending on your patio or even increase the size of your second floor or converting the loft if you have the privilege of some spare roof. Good building companies will be able to guide you through the entire loft conversions or extension project. Liverpool Conversions 114d Imperial Court, Exchange St E, Liverpool L2 3EB 0151 380 0001
If you're running out of living and working space in your current home in Liverpool, you might want to consider converting your garage as an alternative to moving to a larger and more expensive house. Moving house can be a costly hassle and can also take a lot of time.
Converting your garage into extra space can be an inexpensive and relatively quick alternative to looking for a new home. Today many garages are no longer used for car storage and are instead just used for storing items you no longer use. When you convert your garage, you can not only create extra space but also have a chance to clear out all the old stuff you no longer need. There is also the excellent advantage of enabling you to stay in your family home and in the area you've grown used to. It can also come out significantly cheaper than moving to a larger house while still giving most of the same benefits. If your garage is near to your house it is likely that you won't need planning permission and can get started straight away (always check local planning laws before beginning a project). For the average garage, the job of converting it to a living space will involve improvements to the walls, floor and roof. The walls for most garages are normally a single skin, but they'll need to be changed to a double skin wall with insulation in the cavity, if this is done from the inside you should be aware that you will lose some of the floor space as the walls will come inwards further. Your current garage door will, of course, need to be changed to a wall and to support this the foundations may need to be improved. The floor will need upgrading to include a damp-proof membrane, and you'll also need to improve the roof by adding insulation. You may also need some electrical or plumbing work done depending on what use the room is going to be put to. Although many of these improvements can be done yourself, it is recommended that you hire a professional with experience of this type of job to get it done properly. This is more expensive, but if you choose a good Liverpool builder, it will mean that your job is done legally and safely. If possible, always choose a builder that comes personally recommended by someone you know, that way you can be as certain as possible that they're capable of doing an excellent job on your Loft, Garage or Basement Conversion. Liverpool Conversions 114d Imperial Court, Exchange St E, Liverpool L2 3EB 0151 380 0001 Return to Home Page |